Where there is no real cure.
The treatment offered isnt able to cure but usually just to dampen the growth of the cancerous cell, lengthen the period of life, giving u a hopeful 1-2 months.
N even the chemo, the drugs given sometimes got too strong they even kills or alter the structure of the cells. Adala family aku was diagnosed ada ketumbuhan pada pangkal ketiak n dadanya.
It was luckily discovered fast (belom masuk stage yg dasat2) but then the aftereffect was devastating,
Rambut dia yang dulunya lurus now has becoming some weird curls on her. See the changes?
Entahla, aku penah terbaca artikel pasal GANJA/ CANNABIS (yg falls under dadah berbahaya) boleh direbus, n then diminum untuk bunuh sel kanser. Benda ne diamalkan oleh org Mongol n yg propose n perjuang benda ne ialah Bob Marley n kroni.
Aku xtau ini sekadar propa nak go against domestic drugs industry
or it really works.
Kalau ada alternatif, no harm trying kan? Tapi kalao ko baru simpan berapa gram pun ko da kena charge, how do we do?

Back to the aftereffect, lepas dia undergone treatment dia jadi agresif n suka marah2.
Maybe badan dia letih n rasa x selesa tue dia cepat marah.
Aku x tau ini ada kaitan dgn aftereffect ke x...one day dia kena attack stroke...
mulut dia senget for a week...n after that she recovered (not so) and her lips was back to normal
Good to see the physical changes..tapi kita even d doc pun xtau aktiviti apa je yg da jadi dalam otak dia..
From my experience dgn dia, aku observe dia jadi more aggressive, cepat sangsi...kalao ada orang call..even the call xde kaitan pun dgn dia..dia akan tanya aku sapa call..org tue nak apa...sapa kawan aku yg call tue.
and she always ask us repeated questions mcm ye ke? xkan la mcm tue? see how suspicious she wud be...
n when she is trying to find something,
like she remember placing her necklace atas meja tue,
but then bila cari2 xjumpa,
dia akan jadi sangat panik, body temp dia shoot up, nafas dia mengah2 mcm baru lepas berlari.
she cant stay calm.
there r cases when she claims she is seeing something . n time dia cakap tue masa kat bilik aku kat umah. hish. dah macam para2 sakura activity.
She cant sleep with lights closed
N if really possible, dia nak tidur berteman
n there r times kalao xde teman, dia akan nangis, or stay up whole night until la dia fall asleep bila da pagi.
but despite that, dia punya memori yg sangat kuat,
walaupun x dapat cakap dalam struktur ayat yg betul, tapi kitorg leh tangkap apa yg dia cuba nak cakap
n she can even show us directions to tmpat yg berpuluh tahun dia x pegi
n she can rmb in detail events bila dia pegi somewhere, dgn sapa,
n good she knows us, her family well. (:
so jangan fikir ko leh tipu dia or fool her around!
N yknow to take care of orang mcm ne mmg perlu kesabaran.
Aku ne boleh tahan kurang sabar.
My ayah lagilah tahapnya sabar agak tipis belum dicampur baran tahap super saiyanya. hehe.
My mom la yg paling sabar layan kerenah n prepare what is good for her.
Thanks to Allah she had recovered A LOT
Now that she can even manage herself. (da x takut tido sndiri, basuh baju sndiri n so n so)
But sometimes, the degil aftereffect tetap ada. haha
Sometimes it is funny to find her arguing with my father.
Contohnya, kitorg jalan2 dekat mall, n when it comes to time balik,
ayah aku kata jom balik, jalan cepat skit...
she said ya, but she still berlenggang di belakang dgn selamba masih tgok2 barang sdngkan kami dah 500m di hadapan.
Bila bagi arahan, dia akan kata ya, tapi respon nya lama baru keluar.
Masa mudanya, she spent lots on cosmetic ranging from safi, amway, even tried out sk2 and clinique yg mmg aku lalu n jeling je lah kat kiosk dia. haha. brand2 impian setiap wanita sejati kot tue.
Katanya, bcuz of using too much brands and this products la dia leh terkena ketumbuhan. She even drink n ate supplements which is believed to do good but then still we never know it will end up like this.
Lagi satu, maybe sebab keturunan pun ye jugak.
Our family has losed one becuz of this n we cannot afford to lose another. :(
Tapi kalau dah smpai masa...siapalah kita tuk berkata tak...
The thing is kena amik pengajaran la...
aku pun xtau la dgn gaya hidup xsihat aku...
makan bukan2...pakai bukan2...nti end up jadi bukan2...
skrg ne banyak sgt benda they post lam fb n blog
pearl tea cancerous la
sardin. maggi, mekdi sume penyebab kanser la
yg cancer2 ne juga la feberet aku
it is....
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