Friday, January 18, 2013


Stigma is a feeling of disapproval for something or someone.
Yu oredi have this negative perception towards that particular one until whatever they do, you don't even have a single liking, even if they do you good.
Xmunasabah sunggoh kan. ish2. But it happens (:

At my study place, ada kes2 kami di-stagmatized.
Mungkin itulah, mereka x cukup kenal kami, sampai ada unsur2 x ummph camne.
Ada label yg kata batch aku ne problematic, maybe sebab ramai.
Ada yang kata kami cocky sebab amik course BI, yang kononnya up sikit dari course lain.
Oh kemon, kita sama saja...
Aku pun xpaham why certain men went wow bila aku cakap..oh Im doing English..
Wow.dia budak TESL...
The ugly fact is that kami sume ne masih belajar kot,
Cakap kompem la uh-ah-uh-ah, tue belum bab grammar, kejap past, kejap present, suka hati kitorg ah asal ada bunyi org puteh tue bolehla pass...ahaha
Agaknya camne la budak medik rasa bila aku wow-kan dorang...
Habis tue mcm mana pada profesion yg bukan doc? Pakcik alam flora pun deserve a wow ok..
We people just dunno how to value ourselves that we only see other's people specialities.
We adore them until we sometimes forget where we stand.

Oh ya, going thru this whole stigma stuff, my class r having tough time.
Aku boleh cakap tough bila ada air mata yg dah mengalir. Boleh tahan crybabies gak semuanya. haha!
Our challenge is to confront with demanding lecturer.
Perfection is xpectation.
Always agreeing is mandatory.
Tho the thing is not always right. How irrational.

Aku punya pengalaman. Aku present kat depan.
Isu yg kami something...n time setting dia is BEFORE zaman penjajahan.
And clasmet aku ne maybe dia x perasan, dia p ulas DURING the zaman.
So, bila dah salah setting, aku tegorla dia...its normal la lao mamai2 lam kelas mcm ne..
And the whole class laughed kot, no hard feeling pun n kitorg pun mmg da biasa gelak2 mcm ne...xstress, happy.
Tiba2 dia...blurted out..."korang buat apa ne? Asal kamu potong dia cakap?"
"Oh...sebab dia x perasan kot...perkataan SEBELUM tue..saya ingatkan aje..."
Tiba2 satu kelas kena bebel...isu...xrespek orang punya idea..nais..

2nd case, was maybe bcuz of boredom, maybe jugak salah kitorg, maybe niat sebenar baik nak elak ngantuk, ada member of the class yg main bingo n pass notes during the class.
And lecturer yg eagle-eyed ne spotted 'em, terus panggil depan kelas, kena bebel...
"Awak tahu hukum karma, awak buat saya mcm ne, awak akan dapat double triple super ble2 dri student awak. Awak tunggu je lah harinya"-ayat ne aku alter sikit. hehe.

3rd case, a lecturer has the authority to advice, to scold, but not to put down or humiliate people, esp in front of others.
Pardon me if I misunderstood your doing and intention.
Tapi apa yang aku nampak ialah teguran2 itu nmpak mcm ingin menjatuhkan.
And the words used punya tahap kelaseran yg agak tinggi sehingga boleh terhiris hati2 yg senipis kulit bawang ne.
"Awak xpaham arahan saya ke. Awak nak saya guna bahasa apa ya agak2 baru leh paham?"
So cynical.

4th...cukuplah... (:

Anyway, aku cakap kami di-stigma sebab masa our 1st interaction lagi dia dah awal2 cakap yg kami ne bermasalah.
"Saya xpenah ajar batch awak ne, tapi saya DENGAR cerita batch awak ne ada macam2 problem."
The problem is, u have just LISTENED.
Proved yet?
Belum kan? Tapi kau macam dah percaya.
We don't even start, you have already giving it up. :(

Well, xkenal maka xcinta.
Jemput kenal kami dulu, berilah peluang.

Mungkin kami pun xberapa kenal anda.
So, let us give each other chances. (:

1 comment:

She Ain't You. said...

Sama la kak zda. kelas kami pun ada jugak kena mcm tu sbb dorang just listen something not so nice dari pihak lain.

The Bebel Darling.

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A dreamer. Talk shits. Care back double to those who cares. Like EVERYTHING sweet, but not ready for diabetes.

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